modulePS: Also requires a word list file where each word is on a new line. You can supply your own, or, on MacOS and Linux, use /usr/share/dict/words
python3 -m pip install cybarpass
alias cybarpass="python3 -m cybarpass"
with optional parameter -n
cybarpass -g
output of
cybarpass -h
usage: cybarpass [-h] [-n NUM] [-g] [WORD_LIST]
Generate a secure passphrase
positional arguments:
WORD_LIST Path to dictionary file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NUM, --len NUM Minimum length of passphrase
-g, --gui Run the program in GUI mode
NOTE: -n | --len has no effect in GUI mode
$ cybarpass -h
$ cybarpass
$ cybarpass -g
$ cybarpass -g /usr/share/dict/words
$ cybarpass /usr/share/dict/words
$ cybarpass /usr/share/dict/words -n 512